Another book in the "Bones" is out of the way. I loved it! I travelled to Istanbul this weekend and read it on my way home. Fast-paced and excellent to keep my mind off how slow we were going. This one is set in Montreal and North Carolina and has Dr. Brennen finding bodies everywhere! A group of people are found dead in a house that was set on fire in Quebec, Dr. Brennen has to figure out if the people were murdered before the fire and why. The theme is religious cults and is really interesting to learn how people wind up in them and how it effects families. I found some of the descriptions gruesome and a bit hard to read. But it was a great book. I love that in this second novel, we are getting to know her character a bit more. I am so happy that there are many more books in the series to come.
Have you read Monday Mourning?
Nope, I have only read the first three in the series now. I really enjoy them and hope to get myhands on some more!
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