I am not going to review all the books I read on vacation last week. I finished off 7 books last week and some of them were excellent, while others fell far from being good. "Bliss" , a Turkish novel was amazing and the first book in a while that really got to me. I was thinking about it all the time during vacation. It is highly recommended. I read some chick-lit novels and the first book in the "Bones" series. It was excellent. I found myself not wanting to go sightseeing or go to bed because I just wanted to know who the murderer was. Very different then the tv show, and I loved that it was set in Montreal. The Canadian connection drew me to it. I read "Disgrace" which completely made me feel terrible. It was sad and depressing and made me hate the world I live in. I guess thats what books are supposed to do, bring you out of your comfort zone...just not on holiday!!
I also finished off the last of Dan Brown's books, "Digital Fortress". When I began it I was worried it was going to be as bad as "Deception Point" (which I absolutly hated) but it was well written, fast-paced and easy to read. My husband read it at the same time and we enjoyed talking about it. The last book of the week was called "The End of Mr Y" which was a very interesting novel that I bought when I was in England. The cover is red and intriging, while the edges of the pages are all blackened. Very interesting looking book and very interesting story. It was a good read but a little too much science for my liking.
I only have 16 books to read to reach my 100 goal.....but I only have 16 days...I will try but I don't know if I can do it.
Week in Review #10
2 days ago
Timeshares & Rentals...I have done plenty of research about selling timeshares, check out my blog =) I don't stay in hotels anymore, I stay in timeshares, condos, and villas for weeks at a time for the same price as one night in some hotels. You would be surprised what a little research can do!
I'm cheering for you to hit 100!
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