This book was for my 1% Challenge, where I read 10 books from the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die list. I never would have picked this book up on my own but I am glad I did. It is a crime noir novel set in the 40's in Hollywood. It follows 2 boxers turn policemen who are deeply involved in solving the murder of Elizabeth Short aka The Black Dalhia. I won't tell you to much because there is so much to the story and many twists and turns. I found myself excited to read it and trying to figure out who the murderer was, not even sure if the case ever got solved. The book is sexually and violently graphic and due to the time period it seems racist and sexist. I think that the language is needed to make it authentic and even though the language sometimes made me go "hmmmmmm", it never felt too much. I had never read a novel in this genre before but I am hoping to read more crime noir novels. I can understand why this was a must read book. I will watch the movie this weekend (even though I heard it was horrible) just to see how it fairs. All in all a great reading experience!
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